April 9, 2010
Posted by Ashley
Friday Favs
You guys…I actually got REALLY excited for Friday this week. Come to find out…I love putting together these Friday Favorites posts! It’s fun to hit the ‘publish’ button on Friday mornings before going to estate/yard/rummage sales with Le Boi. Cue the coos!
This session is WAY beyond cute! (credit: Erin Hearts Court)
Accordion love this week y’all! (credit: Ben Blood)
How sweet! I have no idea where this originates, but I’d love to find out if anyone knows!
TAMBOURINE WEDDING FAVORS?!?! yes please and thank youuuuuuu! (photo by Q Weddings)
This badass playlist created by Jamie Street via the brainchild of Flashdance and his guest mixtape idea!
Nothing to do with weddings, but I love this ad! I want a tiny record player! That little girl seems way too excited…or frightened. MIGHTY TINY RAWR!
Holy Super Adorableness! Records AND malts!! Hot shots by Made U Look Photography.
Seeing things like this make me haaaaaaaappy! Thanks Rachael…glad to help keep ya groovin’
These tea lights found via Etsy which are wrapped with love songs! This would be a fun DIY project!
This “Palmerpalooza” wedding/music festival featured on Offbeat Bride!
This song/video makes me want to dance! And the Tightrope dance = the next moonwalk

2 Trackbacks
April 9, 2010
I think this is my favorite post EVER.
April 13, 2010
Pretty sure the whole replace-your-faces-with-an-album-cover thing started to get popular due to a blog called called Sleeveface (www.sleeveface.com). apparently there’s a book out now? geez. Anyway it’s an easy way to lose a whole afternoon 🙂
April 14, 2010
@jessica yeah i LOVE sleeveface! my husband and i have also started an album re-creation project cause there are some crazy ass covers out there that need to be duplicated 🙂
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