July 6, 2010
Posted by Ashley
You know…I gotta be a bit honest, when I reached out and said “hey guys I’m here” to the internet, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do other than provide a place for brides and grooms (past, present, and future) to gush about music. In these seven months I’ve connected with so many new people and it’s been thrilling to get a glimpse and a listen to how music obsessed people all over the world celebrate when they get married. Why so sappy you might ask? Well the site you’ve helped make happen, this here Hi-Fi Weddings, is a finalist for A Real Bride Blogger Award! The category kinda threw me off, but hey I guess it counts cause I am a Mrs! The only downfall to being in this category is I share it with the all-mighty amazing Alison…so I totally understand the tough choice. I voted for us both, so there’s definitely that option! winkwink
Click to Vote Please and Thanks!!! xoxo

July 6, 2010
Yay! Congrats! You know what, that’s probably my fault (the category) due to when I submitted you – I was reading through the list of categories and read “Real Bride” as “Real Brides” in my excited state and thought, hey, that’s HiFi weddings, they showcase real brides!!! Vote! … and then re-read it and went “Whoops”… but I still say it counts! Best of luck my dear!
July 6, 2010
Wow! Hooray!
I love both your blogs, so I will vote for both of y’alls. I’m hoping you’ll both get the same amount of votes, and then the winner can be decided by a historic “blog-off” the likes of which the internet has never seen.
July 6, 2010
congrats lady! you have such an awesome site, you totally deserve it. off to vote for you now!
July 7, 2010
Baha Bret! Cracking me up! I voted for you both, you are both so fucking delightful.
Best of luck! You know I love this blogaroo, girlie.
July 7, 2010
Yay! Congrats to you! Much deserved
July 8, 2010
I voted for you and hope you win! 🙂
July 16, 2010
Yeyyyyy! of course i voted! =)
July 19, 2010
Voted for you!!
July 19, 2010
Vote. Vote. VOTE! You deserve it!
July 22, 2010
Big Congrats! You totally deserve it!
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