April 14, 2011
Posted by Ashley
A Paper Record Player Invitation
This must be it…invite heaven…because HOLY SHIT this is awesome. I don’t even know where to begin. I can’t even do this justice. Basically, I’m in the rare form of speechless. Hats off to Kelli and her impeccable execution of the Amazing Record Player Invite.
From Kelli hertalentedself: Although this project really begins with Mr. Wizard re-runs in the 1980s, we started thinking about it a few months ago when Karen and Mike realized that they needed an invitation to their Spring wedding. Mike and Karen are two pretty awesome friends of mine—Karen advocates for the rights of programmers/inventors/coders as a lawyer at the Software Freedom Law Center (and DJs by night) and Mike is a Grammy-nominated sound engineer. I’ve long considered their love of music and collaborative auditory endeavors (such as their Oscar Meyer WeinerMobile-Girl song) a touching aspect of their relationship and an important part of our friendship (I met Karen at a concert.) It therefore felt really important that the invitation reference the social role of music in bringing people together… and ideally would feature an original song by the couple to seal the deal. Karen and Mike immediately got it, loved the idea, and wrote the catchy track that appears on the flexi. We then only had to figure out how to make the invitation play it…
Here is a video of the invite in action:
In the booklet-style invitation, a bit of paper-folding amplifies the sound of a sewing needle moving along the grooves of a flexidisc record. The hand-spun record yields a garbled, but scrutable listening of an original song by the couple. It requires a bit of tinkering and folding – effectively championing the inner science-nerd kid in the recipient. The whole thing serves as an interactive packaging for the song – which can be experienced on the paper record player, unscrewed and set on a regular turntable, or enjoyed online (for the non-nerds and/or audiophiles out there.)
Find out all of the details on this project at Kelli’s site!
2 Trackbacks
April 14, 2011
omg! that invitation is so cool!!
April 14, 2011
That is freaking AWESOME!
April 14, 2011
It’s very tempting to give up now that such perfection has been achieved! Hats off to Kelli indeed, what a visionary and all round talented lady.
April 14, 2011
THIS IS THE MOST INSANELY awesome invitation I’ve ever seen!
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