April 2, 2010
Posted by Ashley
Friday Favs
Ok I went with the ‘Friday Favs’ title. Only cause I’m sure every week I can find something worth sharing. We’ll see!
This would be an amazing invite, no? Cardboard Record Cover Doubles As Record Player*
another cute couple in a record store shot by a fantastic photog!
This entire wedding found on Offbeat Bride! Music galore! A quote from the bride:
The music was exclusively punk rock (seeing my grandfather dancing to Rancid was priceless).
These gorgeous (free and download-able) cd covers by Rachel of Benign Objects…BONUS: There’s a Spring Mix as well!
*PS – That entire nylvi site is pretty awesome! In fact, our record store is featured on it! So if you’re a vinyl nut, you should really love this site!

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