July 7, 2010
Posted by Ashley
Meet the Vendor: Beyond Beyond
I’m gathering quite the page of kick ass vendors/inspiration*. These are people in the industry that not only would you hire for your special day, but you can just as easily sit down with and have a beer (or coffee). And since Hi-Fi is all about the tunes in our lives, we’re gonna get to know what these peeps dig on musically.
Amma is like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Or like a pink nose on a newborn kitten. Or like a lighthouse in the middle of a dark and stormy night. Or like the cherry on top of a scoop of half baked ice cream. She’s one of my favorites, and she will quickly become one of yours. From her sense of humor to her endless talent, she always brings a smile to my face! Beyond/Beyond was one of the first major supporters of Hi-Fi and still continues with her enthusiasm. And even though we are across the pond, I feel like she’s my BFF next door!
Can you describe your life (so far) in 3-5 songs?
*Brown Girl in the ring – Boney M (I played this 45 to death when I was a kid and drove everyone to the brink of suicide…and beyond. It just reminds me of being a kid and dancing like a maniac)
*Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve (Just a reminder about life and what it means. Also reminds me of a lot of great and less great experience which in spite of everything have made me into a person that I am; and for all of those collective things I am very grateful)
*F.E.A.R – Ian Brown (I heard this song at a time when the lyrics were almost like manna from Oprah, good life advice that rhymes. Also it is one of the cleverest songs I have seen in terms of lyricism outside of Hip Hop.)
*Keep smilin’, Keep Laughin’, Be Happy – Doris Day (Just a reminder to keep a smile on your face, a sense of humour and a laugh are the best medicine that life has to offer.)
*So Ambitious – Jay Z feat Pharell (Because it is about striving, dreams, and just to keep trying in spite of what the world tells you what you can or can’t do…and there is something sweet about proving people wrong! Power to the people!)
What is your favorite love song?
My favourite love song of the moment is Green by Coultrain – I love the lyrics and his voice is amazing.
If you could go see anyone perform live who would it be?
James Brown, Michael Jackson, and Prince with the Roots as the back up band, and Chuck in Slash as an extra guitar.
What is your preferred format of music?
MP3, I destroyed vinyls for fun – musical sacrilege I know – but I am such a klutz. At least with a mp3 the worst I can do is press delete.
Are you a musician? If so, what do you play? If not, what would you play?
I have a guitar, I did lessons – but I am badly out of practice – so it the sound of me playing it would be enough to raise the dead and earn me a bitch slap from the after life. But, I did master a Bob Dylan song. Other than that I have decks at home – I labour under the delusion I will be the world greatest DJ.
*Do you know someone who should be on the vendor page? Just email me and let’s chat!

July 7, 2010
Hugs and love hun xxx You are such a superstar… I wished you lived next door xoxo
July 7, 2010
Bah! I love this profile!! I love when people use up all 5 of the songs…I feel jipped when they list 3. Great choices miss Amma! She kicks assss.
July 8, 2010
Amma is seriously such a cool cat! I’m stoked you featured her on here as she is always so supportive of everyone else its nice for her to get some loves back.
July 8, 2010
Amma is one of those people you should really hate..super talented,funny,clever and beautiful…trouble is shes just to darn nice to hate! And she makes the most` beautiful invites you’ll ever see!
July 14, 2010
Awwww everyone… your making me blush. Tracey stop it… beautiful… specsavers love tis only by the joy of fauxtoshop I looks decent. xxx
August 9, 2010
I am so glad I happened across this post. I love BeyondBeyond. She’s hilarious and she just has an incredible vibe. Thanks for this post. Now I know one of my Twitter buds better!
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