September 5, 2010
Posted by Ashley
Meet the Vendor: Candysnaps Photography
I’m gathering quite the page of kick ass vendors/inspiration sites*. These are people in the industry that not only would you hire for your special day, but you can just as easily sit down with and have a beer (or coffee). And since Hi-Fi is all about the tunes in our lives, we’re gonna get to know what these peeps dig on musically.
So Caroline totally falls into my Super Girl Crush category. From the first email exchange to the constant communication across the various internet platforms, this girl makes me SMILE! Like, the giddy school girl grins…for real. She’s such a free spirit and I’d give anything to fly across the pond to meet this cool chicka! Perhaps she’ll book a wedding nearby sometime and we can make that happen. Or vise versa. Seriously though, part of picking out a wedding photographer should totally be based on personality (as well as kick ass images). And Caroline exceeds the bar on both accounts. Not only could you have a beer with her, but I’m betting you could probably get pretty smashed and have such an amazing time.
Can you describe your life (so far) in 3-5 songs?
My gawd, that’s a hard one. Let’s see:
(little me): Johnny Kidd and the pirates – Shakin’ all over
(When I was about 7 or 8 years old I learned to play the guitar. My Dad had been in a 60’s mod band and the first song he taught me was Shakin’ all over. Which is still one of my fave tunes of all time!)
(the teenage years): LCD Soundsystem – Drunk Girls
(It’s all in the title)
Blossom Dearie – I Like London in the Rain
(When I finished my A Levels, I left Germany to move to London – I LOVED it and became pretty obsessed with dancing the nights away at the Wag Club and starting my photography career by working as an assistant with various advertising photographers.)
(The Brighton Years & having a baby): David Bowie – Golden Years
(Yeah those were the golden years – sex, drugs and rock n roll and then a baby and a degree in photography!)
Bo Diddley – We’re Gonna Get Married
(Yeah in 2009 I married the loveliest, hottest and wonderfullest man!)
Buddy Rich – The Beat goes on
(Ladidadidi Ladidadida… and the beat goes on…)
What is your favorite love song?
Oh it’s gotta be John Prine & Iris DeMent – In Spite of Ourselves
I think every couple should have this played at their wedding reception! (I agree Caroline!! So awesome!)
If you could go see anyone perform live who would it be?
As I believe that I was born in the wrong era it would have to be the Beatles. I would have been one of the girls throwing their knickers at them! Hehe…
What is your preferred format of music?
Oh this one’s easy!!! Got to be vinyl! I LOVE all my 45’s that I buy online from Jazzman records and as Ashley said before: “You can’t roll a joint on a download”, can ya? (hahaha so true my dear…so true! wink!)
Are you a musician? If so, what do you play? If not, what would you play?
Unfortunately I am not that gifted in the music department. I can play the guitar a little and my singing is apparently ‘weird’ (according to my 7 year old daughter). But I have bought myself a Taylor acoustic guitar for my 30th birthday and am determined to learn playing a few tunes on it, maybe even take some lessons. The other instrument I LOVE is the drums. But feck, I just can’t do two different things with my hand and feet at the same time – totally useless but there is nothing better than listening to a drum solo if you ask me.
*Do you know someone who should be on the vendor/inspiration page? Just email me and let’s chat!

1 Trackbacks
September 6, 2010
yay!! fab feature 🙂 Love you gals 🙂 x x x x
September 7, 2010
LMAO ‘You can’t roll a joint on a download’- Love knowing more about Caroline – she’s the greatest! Aces interview
September 7, 2010
Awwww, thanks Amma & Lou. Love you’s too. I tell you we need to invent beaming and all get together for my special cocktail hour. Happens every day at 5pm. We can also invite Data and Jean Luc of course 🙂
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