September 30, 2011
Posted by Ashley
Friday Favs!
This week flew by SO fast…shit, this whole year. I can’t believe it’s already October (tomorrow)! I’m loving the chilly morning air and the crisp smell that comes with it. I love the kitty cuddles and extra blankets on the bed. I don’t love that the sun leaves earlier during the day, but I try to fix that sad feeling with mums and pumpkins!
Well, I didn’t have a lot of time to peruse the ‘nets this week, but I did find some sweet stuffs! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
um…yes please! the crazy cat lover feels like I NEED this!
those grins! this wedding!
can’t wait for this!!
vinyl junkie and Elvis lover!

September 30, 2011
Gonna enjoy clicking my way through the find awesomeness and you are right, the year has gone by quickly! Like a whirlwind. Hope you have an amazing weekend!
September 30, 2011
Seriously cannot wait for the She & Him Christmas album either!
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