January 29, 2012
Posted by Ashley
Sunday Singles: Shadows of Knight
Each week I digitize a 45 from my own personal collection and share it with the earholes of the internet. The Sunday Singles are not just for those planning a wedding, but for music lovers across the board. It’s a recollection of the past with the sound of vinyl against a needle and the warm song that results.
Click to listen, right click “save as” to download:
Side A:
Side B:
Dark Side
At the time Shadows of Knight first started recording, the band’s self-description was as follows: “The Stones, Animals and Yardbirds took the Chicago Blues and gave it an English interpretation. We’ve taken the English version of the Blues and re-added a Chicago touch.” Seems pretty fitting don’t ya think? Give these songs a whirl and tell me you don’t agree! If your name is Gloria, then today is a double bonus for you!
Wanna mingle with more singles?! Check out all of the past Sundays!

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