September 2, 2012
Posted by Ashley
Sunday Singles: The “In”
Each week I digitize a 45 from my own personal collection and share it with the earholes of the internet. The Sunday Singles are not just for those planning a wedding, but for music lovers across the board. It’s a recollection of the past with the sound of vinyl against a needle and the warm song that results.
Click to listen, right click “save as” to download:
Side A:
Just Give Me Time
Side B-1:
You’re not Gonna Live Forever
This 45 is a complete surprise score for us. A couple of years ago one of our favorite record store customers (friends) brought us a digitized version of an album of Alabama garage bands from the 60s. It is amazing! We have since gotten the record for our collection and it’s on constant rotation. Anyway, imagine our surprise when Andy finds a 45 by one of the bands at a flea market one random Sunday – in EXCELLENT condition!
Wanna mingle with more singles?! Check out all of the past Sundays!
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